?Even the most gormless person can manage to fold a T-shirt, although the
fashion-conscious have leaned the triple fold rather than the half fold, to make
a T-shirt look better when you take it out and wear it. But packing a polo-shirt
can present a little more difficult because of the collar. Here I found some
information about triple fold and polo fold, hope it'll help you.
?Triple fold
?Lay your T-shirt with the front down, on a flat surface?Fold one shoulder in
until it reaches one third across the shirt, turn the sleeve back so it lays
across the fold – your shirt should now be two thirds as wide as it was before
and the sleeve should have its open end facing out, not facing into the body of
the T-shirt. This is especially important for long-sleeved T-shirts ??? ?Fold
the other shoulder and sleeve the same way. Your shirt should now be one third
as wide as when laid out flat ??? ?Lift the bottom of the T-shirt until it
reaches the neck, persevering the two folds you've already made. ??? ?Pick up
and turn over. Perfect triple fold achieved!
?Polo fold
???? ?Button the collar of your polo and pull the collar so it's folded down
neatly before putting the polo-shirt face down on a flat surface ??? ?Grip
the shoulder seam in one hand and with the other take the corresponding sleeve
and fold it into the middle of the shirt so that the fold makes a perpendicular
line from the shoulder seam to the bottom of the shirt. Fold the shirt sleeve in
half ??? ?Repeat with the other side of the polo shirt. Smooth out wrinkles
as you fold ??? ?Take hold of the bottom right and left sides of the folded
shirt. Bring the bottom edge of the shirt up to the bottom of the sleeves. This
divides the shirt into thirds. ??? ?Bring the folded edge to the top edge of
the collar. Turn the shirt over and put in your suitcase ??? ?To preserve
polo-shirt collar shape, you can tuck other items such as clean socks, underwear
or swimming togs into the neckline to hold the neck it its rounded